Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Luggage.

The Luggage.
It's filled with clothes. It follow you with a destination.
It's your luggage full of your belongings and bringing it to a certain place.
I'm leaving for a cause. "Leaving" the house that once belongs to us.
And I won't be back anymore.
I missed the love I share with you. Yes. Definitely missed it. How such a period of time flew pass us and never had the chance to be with each other again. Perhaps you'd be better off living with someone else's "house". Yeah. With someone you love rather than me (the one who loves you).Wouldn't comment much about "us" anymore. As it's the past and just let those memories fade away... We proved to each other that we don't suit each other anymore for the past 3 weeks. Thanks for all the happier times. And gosh~ I bought that thing for you adi! I guess I'll give it to someone who really loves me in the future.
送你一句"祝福你",对得起自己!守着我们以前的承诺是我太傻. 你所损失的,不会只是这一些.本来说好的一切,只会未来的她做. 你朋友说~我跟你不可能在一起.因为我了解你.所以我只能当你的旧情人. 如今就只有自己.课业.事业.爱情?(期待...但我很肯定,不会再是你了)
Goodbye25~Goodnight25~So long25~I won't forget how you treat me25~

-Getting this bag for myself. A gift for myself to gain confidence back in the game of love. To the road of recovery.........-